The importance of emergency plans

Marcela Ivankovich

The First National Evacuation Drill, held on August 19, 2019 reinforces the importance of emergency plans in organizations. According to officials of the National Emergency Commission (CNE), 1,174,000 people participated in it, with wide coverage, from indigenous areas to the beaches, mainly with the participation of the provinces of San José, Alajuela and Heredia. Its objective was to identify and reinforce the weaknesses found in evacuation logistics to turn them into opportunities for improvement in emergency plans.

In Costa Rica, the General Regulations for Health Authorizations and Operating Permits Granted by the Ministry of Health establishes that companies that develop industrial, commercial and service activities or even temporary activities that require operating in the country must have a plan of emergencies.

Its purpose is to minimize the consequences of emergencies, such as:

  • Deaths and injuries
  • Psychological effects, such as shock or panic attacks
  • Damage to the infrastructure and assets of the company

While promoting resilience or the ability to react to disasters and their rapid recovery.

Within the development of emergency plans, the identification of threats is considered, whether caused by natural phenomena or built by humans, establish adequate evacuation routes, establishment of internal and external security areas and other conditions that you can identify and develop with the courses of preparation of emergency plans that we have available, either in public course or in-house mode.

Contact us for more information.

(506) 2225-1635

For more information on the first national drill, consult the following source: bells-and-sirens-announce-beginning-of / FRWCEH3FGZFOFMTCCAGV32D5OY / story /


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